What to Expect When Selling Your Home Using Our Concierge Services

Blue Clover Investments Is Here to Help You Sell Your House Fast for Cash

Picture this: you’re in a new city for a business meeting, and it seems like everything is going wrong. The airline lost your luggage along with your hardcopy presentations, and the restaurant you booked for a client dinner bumped your reservation for a “private event.”

As you enter your hotel, you’re less focused on the opulent setting and more concerned with how you’re going to tackle all these unexpected problems in the narrow timeframe that you have. You need:

  • A replacement for your meeting attire.
  • Eight full-color and bound presentations.
  • A reservation for four at an upscale restaurant.

Each task will take some amount of time and effort that you don’t have the bandwidth to spare. Then, out of nowhere, you catch a glint of a golden placard that reads: “Concierge.”

Desperate, you approach them, unloading all your problems onto this perfect stranger. They nod, they listen, and then they say those six magic words. “I can handle that for you.”

The concierge takes down your sizes and says you can expect new meeting and dinner attire at your door within the next two hours.

The concierge accepts a flash drive of your presentation and sends one of the hotel staff off to the local printers.

The concierge uses their connections to book an even better restaurant than the place you originally picked. Plus, it’s more conveniently located to your hotel.

The concierge even offers to have your luggage routed to the hotel if it turns up. “I have a few contacts at the airport who can look into it,” they say, giving a confident wink.

As you board the elevator to your room, you realize you’re far less tense than you were a few minutes ago. The simple act of moving these problems off your plate has given you peace of mind you didn’t think was possible. A tremendous weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

That’s what concierge service feels like.

Concierge-Level Service and Kansas City Residential Real Estate

So, why the big story about how the concierge saved the day? Because that’s the level of service that Blue Clover Investments provides to clients. We take care of everything so you don’t have to.

If you’ve had to sell your home in the past, then you already know the process is full of pain points, curveballs, and snags that require quick thinking and impromptu problem solving. The Kansas City residential real estate market can be especially taxing if you want to sell your house fast. Most real estate agents are more concerned about their commission and not so much the seller’s timeline or their goals.

So, what’s the Blue Clover difference?

First, we’re not a real estate agency. We’re an investment group that specializes in finding cash offers for proactive sellers. Rather than waiting the standard 30 to 45 days to close, you can sell your house faster through Blue Clover, potentially in as little as a couple weeks.

Second, we’re big believers in delivering concierge-level service. You’re likely not an expert in Kansas City residential real estate. You also probably have too much going on with work, family, and other personal obligations to learn on the fly. When you work with Blue Clover Investments, we take over the responsibility of selling your home. You have the choice to be involved as much or as little as you want to be.

Finally, Blue Clover Investments is big on providing options to sellers. If you’re wondering how to sell your house, our company provides a few choices most traditional agents don’t offer, including a quick cash close option. This means you’ll have immediate access to your funds as soon as the deal goes through.

Who Should Partner with Blue Clover?

Do you currently own Kansas City residential real estate in non-traditional circumstances? No problem!

Blue Clover Investments can sell your home, even if it is:

  • A fixer-upper
  • Tied to divorce proceedings
  • In pre-foreclosure
  • An inheritance or probate property

Take the First Steps to Sell Your House Fast

One conversation is all it takes to find options for selling your home. It’s a simple 1-2-3 process.

  1. Call Blue Clover Investments and provide a little bit of information about the property.
  2. Communicate your preferred timeline and goals of the sale.
  3. Our team will provide you with your options for selling your home, including a quick cash close option.

If you decide to work with Blue Clover Investments, you can experience concierge-level service first-hand for the sale of your Kansas City residential real estate. Call us today at (913) 237-5959 or email us using the contact form on our website.

Be sure to refer to our FAQ section and blog for more information about the Kansas City residential real estate market.