The Top 10 Challenges of Selling Your Home

How to Overcome Real Estate Pain Points and Sell Your House Fast

Selling a home is arguably one of the most difficult processes Americans go through. In fact, recent surveys indicate that becoming unemployed, planning a wedding, and becoming a parent are considered less stressful compared to home sales.

So, why the negative outlook? Selling a home can be long and exhausting, especially if you’re trying to sell your house fast for cash. Let’s break down the top ten challenges homeowners face when selling their property, and what can be done to overcome them.

#1 – Lack of Industry Knowledge

Selling something in an unfamiliar market puts sellers at a major disadvantage. For first-time sellers, this means they have to learn as they go. Speaking to friends and performing research on the Internet is all well and good, but the wrong advice or an outdated web page can cause confusion.

#2 – Finding a Trustworthy Guide

How do you sell your house if you don’t know what you’re doing? You find someone who knows the industry, of course! Most people have a friend or family member who works in real estate, but they usually only understand the ins and outs of the traditional listing model.

Property owners who want to sell their house fast for cash should contact Blue Clover Investments to learn more about other options, like finding cash for home offers for sellers who need to close quickly.

#3 – Unordinary Circumstances

Selling a home is difficult enough. Selling a home that is tied to a divorce proceeding, inheritance/probate, pre-foreclosure, or other out-of-the-ordinary circumstances makes the task that much harder. In these cases, it’s best to work with a real estate investment group with a track record for helping sellers solve complex issues.

#4 – Properly Valuing the Home

How to properly value a home remains one of the most hotly debated subjects in real estate. It’s both an art and a science, and not all county appraisers follow the same process. This can lead to discrepancies between the home’s perceived value and true value, which can muddy the proverbial waters of the real estate deal.

#5 – Overpricing the Home

When the market favors sellers, and homes are going for well above asking price, people are tempted to aggressively fatten their margins. Why sell your home for $300,000 when you know you can get $325,000 for it by holding out for the right buyer? For some sellers, this tactic gets them what they want.

But if you’re trying to sell your house fast, you may be pricing yourself out. Overpriced houses tend to sit on the market far longer than homes that are priced accurately. Additionally, if your house sits on the market for too long, potential buyers start to assume that there’s something wrong with it.

#6 – Getting the Home Ready to Sell

No house going to market is perfect. There’s always something that requires fixing or a facet of the home that’s extremely outdated. One big challenge that sellers face is ponying up the required cash to address the issues they’ve been putting off. Cracks in the foundation or outdated plumbing, for example, are real estate red flags for many buyers.

#7 – Maintaining the Home

Most potential buyers want to physically see the property before they make an offer. This means in-person tours remain a necessary evil during the selling process. Because unkempt houses don’t make the best impression, homeowners must keep their place spick-and-span for showings, which is a huge burden for families with busy schedules.

#8 – Completing Inspections

Inspections are a normal part of the process. Any buyer who’s doing their due diligence will likely pay for a home inspection, which can include radon testing, pest inspections, and structural inspections. These can be a pain point for sellers because there are no set pass/fail guidelines. The potential buyer decides if the home’s condition is acceptable based on their own preferences and finances. Even small, easily resolvable issues may make them reconsider their purchase.

#9 – Economic Conditions

Economic conditions and the real estate market are huge frustrations because they’re out of the seller’s control. Home-buying activity slows down when inflation is up or interest rates are excessively high, forcing sellers to underprice their property or hold out until conditions stabilize.

#10 – The Long Closing Period

The closing process typically takes 30 to 45 days, and that’s assuming everything goes according to plan. There are plenty of things that can delay the process – or worse – cause the deal to fall through. Long closing periods are also difficult for those who want to sell their house fast so they can access their cash.

Sell Your House Fast for Cash with None of the Headaches

The average home seller faces several challenges, some of which are completely out of their control. However, residential property owners who want to sell their house fast have options beyond the traditional real estate agent route.

Blue Clover Investments specializes in getting cash for homes for families requiring a quick close. We also work with homeowners in non-traditional circumstances, including inherited property, property tied to divorce proceedings, and fixer-uppers.

Our process is as simple as 1-2-3:

  1. First, you tell us a little about the home.
  2. Next, we ask you about your goals, terms of price, and turnaround time.
  3. Third, we provide you with options for how to sell your house.

If you decide to work with Blue Clover Investments on your residential property sale, you can look forward to concierge-level service and a hands-off process for you. We do all the heavy lifting so you can go about your life uninterrupted and stress-free.

Ready to get started? Call (816) 237-5959 for your free consultation. Or reach out using the contact form on our website.