Selling Your Home: DIY vs. Hiring a Real Estate Agent

If You Want to Sell Your House Fast, Consult a Real Estate Investment Company You Can Trust

Imagine paying someone over $15,000 to sell your most valuable asset. If you’re familiar with selling property in Kansas City, then you already know that number isn’t an exaggeration. Agents take a significant cut, and the most recent statistics confirm that.

According to the latest reporting from Redfin, the median sale price for a Kansas City residence is approximately $290,000. Factor in the listing agent’s commission of 6%, and it becomes clear that selling your home the traditional way is a pricey endeavor.

One can make the argument that a real estate agent’s commission is the price of convenience, but is convenience worth that much? This is a question that many homeowners ask when determining how they want to sell their home.

Granted, real estate agents are the tried-and-true method, but there are plenty of property owners who successfully take their homes to market with no outside assistance.

Selling Property in Kansas City: Real Estate Agent vs. Doing It Yourself

Hiring a real estate agent vs. DIY – which is better? Both options have their merits, but understanding the pros and cons of each will help homeowner’s make an informed decision that aligns with their goals and personal circumstances.

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Real Estate Agent

It’s no secret that most homeowners enlist the services of a real estate agent for selling property in Kansas City. However, just because something is the norm doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. Let’s break down the pros and cons of working with a real estate agent.

Pro #1: Real estate agents have extensive knowledge of the housing market, making them a formidable ally when developing a pricing strategy and negotiating with potential buyers.

Pro #2: Real estate agents have access to the latest tools and online listing services for marketing, which provides homes with the highest level of exposure.

Pro #3: Real estate agents offer professional marketing services, ensuring the home’s online presence, photographs, and videos are aesthetically engaging and reach the right target demographic.

Con #1: With the average commission fee hovering around 6%, real estate agents receive a significant chunk of the home’s profits.

Con #2: Homeowners relinquish virtually all control when working with agents, which may result in feeling out of the loop.

Con #3: Real estate agents are willing to wait for the right buyer to come along to max out the sale price. This method may not mesh well for those who want to sell their house fast.

The Pros and Cons of Selling Your Home Yourself

Thinking about selling property in Kansas City without a real estate agent? Familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of for sale by owner (FSBO) listings.

Pro #1: Sellers who take matters into their own hands will reap significant cost savings. The huge commission a real estate agent normally would get remains in the seller’s profit margin.

Pro #2: Another pro for sellers is that they have total control over their listing and marketing. Sellers can list their homes for the price they see fit and carry out the marketing plan that they prefer.

Pro #3: When shopping for an FSBO listing, sellers have direct communication with buyers. This effectively cuts out the middleman so the two parties can negotiate between themselves.

Con #1: Homeowners don’t have access to the tools and real estate-specific digital resources that agents do, which translates to limited reach. As a seller, you may have to pay out-of-pocket costs to list your home or be featured in a prominent area of a real estate website.

Con #2: Selling a home without a real estate agent is time-consuming. Those who have a full-time job, a family, and other obligations may find it difficult to keep up with everything.

Con #3: Private sellers lack the experience of a real estate agent. Navigating the complex process with no real estate background may lead to errors or not knowing what needs to be done next to keep the process moving. One mistake can derail the sale.

Getting to Know Your Options as a Seller

Now that you’re up to speed on the pros and cons of hiring a real estate agent vs. selling your home yourself, you may have some newfound perspective on the process. Selling residential property in Kansas City has its challenges; as a homeowner, it’s up to you to decide which challenges to take on.

However, sellers have more options at their disposal than they may realize. A real estate consultant near you can provide valuable information about niche real estate products and lesser-known methods of selling. Real estate investment groups can also assist homeowners with non-traditional circumstances, including:

  • Inherited or probate properties
  • Properties tied to a divorce
  • Pre-foreclosure properties
  • Sellers leaving the state soon

Homeowners who want to learn more about how to sell their house fast for cash on a tight turnaround should contact a real estate investment group directly. They usually provide a free consultation to educate potential clients about their selling options.